The result was a film that spawned a series of twenty-five films produced by Eon Productions and two independent films. In 1961, Eon Productions began work on an adaptation of the 1958 novel, Dr. While Bond kills without hesitation or regret, he usually kills only when carrying out orders, while acting in self-defence, or occasionally as revenge.īond was first portrayed on screen by American actor Barry Nelson, in a 1954 Climax! television adaptation, ' Casino Royale'. He is an exceptional marksman, and he is skilled in unarmed combat, skiing, swimming and golf. Bond's literary portrayal differs in some ways from his treatment in the James Bond films, of which there have been twenty-seven in total, produced and released between 19.įleming portrayed Bond as a tall, athletic, handsome secret agent in his thirties or forties he has several vices, including drinking, smoking, gambling, automobiles and womanising. The character first appeared in a series of twelve novels and two short story collections written by Fleming and a number of continuation novels and spin-off works after Fleming's death in 1964. James Bond is a fictional character created by the British journalist and novelist Ian Fleming in 1952.